Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Wonder Years - Get Stoked On It [2007]

1. "Keystone State Dude-Core"
2. "Bout To Get Fruit Punched, Homie"
3. "Buzz Aldrin: The Poster Boy For Second Place"
4. "Let’s Moshercise!!!"
5. “What If We [Swam] Into Nothing?'
6. "Racing Trains"
7. "Zombies Are The New Black"
8. "We Were Giants"
9. "My Geraldine Lies Over The Delaware"
10. "Dude, What Is A Land Pirate?"
11. "I Fell In Love With A Ninja Master"
12. "When Keeping It Real Goes Wrong"

You must love this! Pop punk hardcore punched with synths! Like FYS but more pop punk!

Pass : seckwd